Yuri's New Terror: Armageddon - Project Menu

YNT:A is a mod project that re-tells the story after the events of an Allied-victorious Red Alert 2, and the troubled rebuilding of the Soviet Union and the secretive expansion of Yuri's army.

Select a category below to learn more about this mod project.
Storyline Allied Forces Soviet Forces Yuri's Forces Terror Troops Forces
Other Features Skirmish Modes Screenshots

Project Leader:Yurisarmy
Beta Tester:Yurisarmy, EVA-251
Concepts:Yurisarmy, EVA-251
2D Graphic Artist:Yurisarmy, EVA-251
3D Graphic Artist:Yurisarmy, EVA-251
Sound Artist:Yurisarmy
Coding:Yurisarmy, EVA-251
PR:Yurisarmy, EVA-251

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